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Reto Ctrl + Alt + Emmagik | 21 days challenge | NOVIEMBRE



Is a personal challenge in which for 21 days you will have the necessary resources to start changing your diet and life style.

In these 21 days you will be able to give your diet a 180º turn, getting rid of toxins, constipation, acne and even a few pounds. In return, you will gain energy, health, mental clarity and much more.

You will get

• Menú establecido para los 21 días del reto
• Lista de mercado para que tengas todo lo necesario
• Guía con consejos y aspectos generales del reto
• 3 sesiones grupales por Zoom
• Rutinas diarias de ejercicios para integrar actividad física
• Soporte diario a través del grupo de WhatsApp


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